To Really Follow Him

To Really Follow Him

What does it mean to follow Jesus? To really follow Him.

It means taking up your cross daily and walking the road less traveled.

It means choosing humility over pride and joy over defeat.

It means embracing the challenges that invade the comfortable corners.

It means keeping hope alive during the changing seasons of life.

It means looking different and soaring to heights others dare not go.

It means trusting that He is greater when fear echos around you.

It means loving the least of these and praying for your biggest enemies.

It means guarding your words, knowing the power that they hold.

It means accepting His grace when human motives drive your actions.

It means having peace that surpasses your understanding when the unthinkable strikes.

In means forgiving those who pierce your heart with throbbing pain.

It means living with eternal eyes that can see the needs of a hurting world.

It means quenching your thirst for more with His Love that satisfies.

It means clinging to your need for Him with each breath that fills your lungs.

It means risking for the sake of the Kingdom, daring to be brave and bold.

It means taking the wildest ride of your life with The One who holds the keys to Heaven.

It means dying to yourself so that you can truly live.

To follow Jesus. To really follow Him…

Letting Go 2It means that you are a changed soul. It means that you believe in the amazing power of His death and Resurrection. It means that His love lives in you and spills out of you like a gushing river.  It means that you love Him because He first loved you. It means that you accept your imperfections and yield to The Perfecter of your faith.

It means that you are free—not in the way the world defines free, but in the way His nail-pierced Hands bled for your eternal freedom. It means that you believe with every bone in your body that you are a child of The One True King. And it means that you anticipate with great hope the day when you will see the Face of The One who you now follow.

To really follow Him means that you have learned the art of letting go and letting Jesus guide your every faith-filled step. It means that you live with outstretched arms open to receiving the greatest gift ever given to mankind—Jesus. To follow Him is to know Him, and to know Him is the very core of your design. 

For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 7: 13-14 NIV



(C) 2014 Pocketful of Motherhood, All rights reserved.

A Battle of the Mind: The Motherhood Trap of Comparison



The ideal mom; so many of us mamas strive to be her. You know, the mom who seems to have it all together. Her children are obedient, always clean and well-dressed, and they don’t have meltdowns while out in public. She has time to get up in the morning and take a shower, have a quiet time, and prepare a homemade breakfast for her children before they awake. She’s patient, nurturing, loving — a glistening gem of perfection.

We want to be her, but so often we feel like we fall short. We compare ourselves to her wondering why our motherhood reality is so different. “Why can’t I just be the mom that I want to be?”

The truth is mamas, comparison has an ugly way of polluting our perspective. It has a way of getting us to chase after something that is unrealistic, distracting us away from what really matters. When we start comparing ourselves to what we think is the “perfect mom” we make room for a flood of negative thoughts to fill our minds.

A lot of the battle we face happens in our minds. And guess what? There’s a father of lies who likes to get into our minds and torture us with things that just aren’t true. He knows where we are vulnerable. He knows where we are weak. And he is so sneaky at twisting the truth. It’s a trap mamas, and we need to be aware of it.

It’s likely that we’ve fallen for the motherhood trap of comparison if these type of thoughts rule over our minds:

I’m a bad mom. I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m a failure at this motherhood thing. What do I know about being a mom; I only have one child and that mom with four kids is doing a better job than me. My friend’s child consistently sleeps through the night, so why can’t I get mine to do the same? What am I doing wrong? That mom has a grocery cart full of well-behaved children, but my children are squirming out of the cart and pulling things off the shelves. That mom looks well rested and perfectly dressed, and I’m surviving off coffee and struggling to keep my eyes peeled open. Who am I kidding, I’m just not very good at this mommy role.


The enemy wants us to fall victim to comparison so that he can suck the joy out of our motherhood journeys. But God is the Father of Truth and His Voice is much gentler. He tells us something very different.

His Word tells us:

Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else. ~Galatians 6:4 (NLT)

Our Heavenly Father doesn’t want us to waste our time comparing ourselves to other moms, especially to the so-called “perfect mom” who doesn’t even exist. He wants us to spend our time focusing on doing the work He has equipped us to do. And He wants us to focus on being the mom who He created us to be, rather than trying to be the mom next to us that wish we were. Our true identity is in Him, not in what the world says about us. If we want to fight off the lies and avoid the trap of comparison, then we need to be clinging to the truth.


When we believe the truth over the lies the path of motherhood is a much gentler journey. Instead of being hurt with words that tear us down, we can be encouraged with words that build us up:

You are enough. You are a beautiful mom. You’re doing more for your kids than you know. You’re doing Kingdom work. It’s okay when you mess up. You don’t have to be perfect. Things didn’t go so well today, but tomorrow’s a chance to start new. You don’t have to be all primped in perfect clothes at the start of the day because you are lovely just as you are. You are a good mommy, because God lives in you, and He is good.

When we live in the freedom of God’s truth, we can cut ourselves some slack on the challenging days when we feel like we are messing everything up and we are not measuring up to the mommy that we want to be. When we stop comparing and instead start allowing God to help us through the highs and lows of motherhood, then we end up being better mommies to our children.

When we let go of comparison we can also focus more on things like compassion and compliments. We can encourage other moms and cheer them on. We can appreciate the good in other moms because we know how to appreciate the good that God has placed in us as well. Comparison limits us from thriving as moms, so isn’t time to start choosing that which frees us to live as the unique moms that we are?

As we pour into the lives of our children desiring to give them the best we have to offer,  God is always there to whisper to us gentle reminders that we are good enough because HE says so.


Dear Lord, Help us to stop comparing and help us to start focusing more on Your Truth. Help us to cling to our true identity as Your Beloved Daughters who are well equipped to be good moms to our children. Help us to be gracious to ourselves as You are gracious with us. Help us to lean into You when we feel like we are messing everything up, and protect our minds from the lies that try to steal our joy. Open up our eyes to see the good in other moms so that we can cheer them on with encouragement and with Your Truth. In Your Mighty Name we pray, Amen






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(C) 2014 Pocketful of Motherhood, All rights reserved.

Women in the Bible Who Understood Waiting

waiting part 2A few weeks ago I shared a piece that some of you could relate to called: When Waiting Hurts, Hope Heals. My “waiting” right now is a desire for another baby, and as many of you know, waiting can be a piercing journey.

God’s word is especially encouraging to me in the uncertain moments of life. Over the past few weeks I have been reading stories of women in the Bible who knew a thing or two about waiting for a child. I was surprised to find so many stories of women who wrestled with infertility. Sometimes this topic is thought of as a modern day issue, when in actuality it’s something women and couples have been dealing with since the beginning. While there are several women in the Bible who faced this struggle, three women stood out to me the most. Their stories were comforting to me and maybe they will comfort you as well…


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Sarah was a God fearing woman who was faithful to her husband Abraham. God promised Abraham that he would be the father of a great nation. After many years of not being able to conceive, Sarah was understandably discouraged and doubted the covenant God made with her husband. So Abraham and Sarah decided to work things out in their own way. Sarah convinced Abraham to sleep with her faithful maidservant, Hagar, thinking that maybe they could bear a child through her. This was considered an acceptable practice in ancient Israel. Abraham and Hagar conceived a child— a son named Ishmael.

Even though Abraham and Sarah chose a route of their own, God remained faithful to His promise. Sometime after Ishmael’s birth, God once again spoke with Abraham, this time specifically telling him that Sarah would get pregnant with a son and she would become the mother of the nations. Sarah laughed when she heard this news because she was well beyond her child bearing years. But just as promised, she became pregnant at age 90 and gave birth to a son named Isaac.

Sarah’s story offers hope to anyone who might be struggling with doubt in the midst of waiting for a child. Sarah was a beautiful woman inside and out and she loved the Lord, but she was also human. She had a moment of doubting God’s faithfulness, but in the end she stood firm in her faith.  God was gracious and blessed her and Abraham with their very own child. And their son wasn’t just any child—Isaac was a very significant child. God chose to continue His covenant through Isaac (and not Ishmael) and this was the bloodline through which Jesus would eventually be born from.



Hannah was another God fearing woman who desperately desired to be a mom. But like Sarah, she struggled with infertility. In ancient Israel, barrenness was a source of humiliation and shame, so this must have caused Hannah great distress. She was married to Elkanah, and he had a second wife who was able to bear children. This second wife taunted Hannah—making matters more agonizing then they already were.

Hannah exhibited an unwavering faith and reverence to the Lord in the midst of her turmoil. She could have turned her back on God and gotten angry, but she didn’t allow her grief to get the best of her. Instead, she brought her broken heart before the Lord and prayed fervently for many years.

After years of lifting up heartfelt cries to the Lord, God showered her with grace and with the answer she was hoping for. She became pregnant with a son named Samuel, who also wasn’t just any child, but a very significant child in history. Samuel grew up to become the last of Israel’s judges, the first of Israel’s major prophets, and he anointed the first two kings of Israel, King Saul and King David. Furthermore, Hannah bore several more children after Samuel.

Hannah’s story is a source of comfort to anyone who might be waiting for a first child or for more children. She went from barren to blessed, giving birth to 6 children total. Hannah was real with her feelings—she cried and she prayed, she cried and she prayed, she cried and she prayed…until one day God blessed with the gift of being pregnant. She faithfully waited upon the Lord for His timing; she committed herself to prayer; she remained loyal to God and to her husband—and eventually her heart’s desire was fulfilled.



Elizabeth had a strong faith in the Lord and she was married to Zechariah. Both Elizabeth and Zechariah were considered holy and righteous in the sight of God. Yet they found themselves childless in their old age. As mentioned earlier, barrenness was considered disgraceful in ancient times so this must have been very difficult for Elizabeth to endure.

One day the angel Gabriel visited Zechariah and told him that Elizabeth would become pregnant with a son. Zechariah found himself in a state of disbelief and became mute. This couple was well past child-bearing age, so how could this be? As foretold, Elizabeth became pregnant in her old age and gave birth to a son named John. Once again, John wasn’t just any child, but a child who grew up to play an incredibly significant role in history. He became John the Baptist, the prophet who foretold the coming of the Messiah.

Elizabeth’s story is one that reminds us that God can do miracles. Both Zechariah and Elizabeth remained faithful to God throughout their lives, and through God’s mighty power, they conceived a child in their old age. Elizabeth gave God the glory, and while Zechariah didn’t believe the good news at first, he too praised God once their son entered into the world.


Each woman’s story is a little different, but there are some striking similarities among these three women:

  • They were each God fearing women who loved and served the Lord.
  • They each remained loyal to their husbands.
  • They each gave God the glory for the children that they bore.
  • They each had firstborn sons who played significant roles in history.
  • They each are remembered as strong women of faith in the present day.

women waiting

These women understood the heartache and pain that comes from not being able to have a child. They endured the waiting and in the end, God exchanged their aching hearts for the desired gift of motherhood.

Each of these women bore children and became moms, but this isn’t the happy ending to everyone’s story. Some people end up with a houseful of children, and others cry themselves to sleep at night wondering why God is withholding children from them—and why this is…

I just don’t know.

What I do know is that only God Himself can see the big picture and our view is limited. In the midst of our waiting, God does not want us to beat up on ourselves thinking that He’s punishing us for something we must have done—that’s not the God I know.

Instead, God wants us to cling to Him and fix our eyes on Him—just like Sarah, Hannah and Elizabeth did. He wants us to trust Him over our fears. He wants us to keep praying even when it hurts. He wants us to persevere even when we feel like giving up.

Only God knows the details of the future and only He knows how things will turn out, but one thing is certain…

When our HOPE is in the Great I Am, The Alpha and The Omega, The Beginning and The End, The Father to the Fatherless, The Lamb Who was Slain, The Creator of the Universe, The Everlasting King, The Almighty God—then our waiting is never in vain.

He works all things together for the good of those who love Him. He intertwines our joys with our sorrows, our successes with our failures, and our disappointments with our triumphs. He creates good out of it ALL. He creates breathtaking beauty from dark ashes.


For those of us who have chosen to allow Jesus to reign in our hearts, we can be encouraged at all times—even in unknown seasons of waiting. We can rest assured that He will lead us to good things in His timing.



Bible References

 Sarah’s Story (Genesis Chapters 15-18, Genesis 21:1-20)

 Hannah’s Story (1 Samuel Chapters 1 & 2)

 Elizabeth’s Story (Luke Chapter 1)

(C) 2014 Pocketful of Motherhood, All Rights Reserved.