
Onward A little over two years ago I started this blog not knowing where it would lead, but excited to see God’s plans unfold. This month as some of you know, I launched a new blog called Woven Beautiful. After a week or two of trying to maintain two blogs, I hear a gentle whisper guiding me onward. 

Letting go isn’t giving up. Giving up is when you stop trying. Letting go is when you start believing that God knows best. ~Hannah

God gave me those words earlier this year and I shared them here in a post a few months ago. I think though, God also knew who really needed those words…me.

I have poured so much of my heart into this blog. Those of you in the WordPress family really have become my blogging family. Those of you who follow from other places have left your fingerprints on this blog too. Your words of encouragement have uplifted me time and time again. Thank you, friends—more than you will ever know.

I’ve struggled thinking that by letting go of this blog, I’m letting go of all I’ve invested here over the last two years. But I now see differently. This was the beginning of my writing journey. This is where I first discovered that God put a passion in me, long ago, to write.

This has been the bridge that has led me to a new blog—a new chapter, but a part of the same story. So now I see that these two blogs connect.

This blog led me to another, and God knew all along. A new year is right around the corner, and it feels like the right time for the beginning of something “new” and yet still familiar.

My feet are now planted and my heart is now at home, at Woven Beautiful. It’s where I can write about things I always hoped that I would be able to, but wasn’t sure that I’d have the courage to share. This blog has helped strengthen my courage and I know that it’s been a part of God’s perfect plan all along.

WHAT THIS ALL MEANS: Over the next week or two, I will be transitioning over to just writing for Woven Beautiful. If you follow this blog through your WordPress Reader, you will no longer see “Pocketful of Motherhood”posts, but instead posts from “Woven Beautiful” will show up in your reader. For those that follow by email, you will start getting email notifications of new posts from Woven Beautiful. And please, don’t feel obligated…you can always unsubscribe if you aren’t interested.

I will also be going through my content on this blog and merging over posts that are fitting to my new blog. It’s going to take me a while to go through 140 posts and all my many pictures. 😉

If you haven’t already visited, you can find me at wovenbeautiful.com where I write about topics such as body image/self image, Godly beauty, motherhood, and healthy living. You can also stay connected with me on Facebook and Twitter. If you need anything else, feel free to contact me at hannah@wovenbeautiful.com.

Onward it is, but Pocketful of Motherhood will always, always remain in my heart. And so will each of you. I hope to see you over at Woven Beautiful!

Many Blessings,


New Blog! Woven Beautiful

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Fourteen years ago in this very month of December, my life took a turn for the better. It was the start of my healing journey—one of discovering freedom and hope.

Today, I am honored to launch a new blog that is born out my story and the healing God has offered me over the last Fourteen years.

The name:

Woven Beautiful

The message:

One of hope and encouragement, especially for the female heart.

Here’s a sneak peek:

“This blog has been in my heart for a long time, and I am humbled at God’s faithfulness in bringing the pieces together. There’s something you will hear me say a lot around here—You are woven beautiful! I thought you might like to know what I mean by that…

Psalm 139 speaks of how our marvelous Creator formed us and shaped us. He wove us together and created us with a good purpose in mind. We are valuable to Him, treasured by Him, and deeply loved by Him.

In a world that often tells us a much different message, it can be challenging to see our true worth–our perspective can get blurry. So what are we to do?

Read the full article (Welcome to Woven Beautiful) and see my new blog by clicking over to, wovenbeautiful.com. You can also stayed connected over at my Woven Beautiful Facebook Page.

Would you stop by and say hello? I would be honored!

Many Blessings,


Something New Coming Soon!

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I haven’t been around here much the past few weeks—but for a good reason! A NEW blog is in the works and I’m excited to share it with you very soon.

Pocketful of Motherhood isn’t going anywhere. I plan to keep posting here (and checking in with other blogs!), but my posts might be less frequent for a while. I’ll see where The Lord leads.

There are two passages from Scripture that have inspired me greatly over the years, and they both give a glimpse into the passion of my new blog.The first is from Psalm 139. The whole Psalm is beautiful and this portion is especially meaningful to me:

For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.
 My frame was not hidden from you
    when I was made in the secret place,
    when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
    all the days ordained for me were written in your book
    before one of them came to be. -Psalm 139: 13-15

Over the years I have discovered the wonder and gift that it is to be made in God’s image. There were so many times in my past where I measured my worth against the worlds opinions. I was striving to be good enough. Then, Jesus opened my eyes to the truth that I am enough…just as I am. His truth ministered to me and offered me freedom.

The second verse is from Isaiah 61. I first heard this verse explained in depth when I was doing a Beth Moore study many years ago called, Breaking Free:

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me,
    because the Lord has anointed me
    to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
    to proclaim freedom for the captives
    and release from darkness for the prisoners,
 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor
    and the day of vengeance of our God,
to comfort all who mourn,
 and provide for those who grieve in Zion—
to bestow on them a crown of beauty
    instead of ashes,
the oil of joy
    instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise
    instead of a spirit of despair.
They will be called oaks of righteousness,
    a planting of the Lord
    for the display of his splendor.

They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations. -Isaiah 61: 1-4

This passage gives me such hope. It reminds me that God can create good out of anything—even our messes. Especially our messes. He can create beauty from ashes. He can redeem anything. He can equip us as ordinary people, to do extraordinary things.

My new blog is birthed out of my ashes. And over the years God has been redeeming every part of my story; He continues to redeem. His is so faithful. What the enemy wanted to use to destroy me, God is using for good. I have forever hope because of Jesus, and it’s a joy to be able to share that hope.

More details to come this month, but I wanted to let you in on what I’ve been up to. Your cherished words of encouragement cheer me on! Thank you!
