Long after the lights come down

Isaiah 9


The time of year I’ve always enjoyed since I was a little girl.

I enjoy seeing all the pretty lights, making festive cookies, being with family and listening to Christmas music.


The time of year I’ve always enjoyed since I was a little girl and the time of year that has become more meaningful to me over the years as I have grown in my walk with the Lord.

I learned about the real meaning of Christmas as a child, but Christ did not become personal to me until I was a teenager. The more Jesus has become the center of my life, the more in awe I am of ‘the reason for this season’ that so many of us celebrate.


I am in awe of Jesus.

Christ The Lord. The Messiah. Emmanuel. 

Jesus, fully God and fully man, entered into this world as a baby. Yes, a baby. The same way you and I did, but not with even close to the same amenities as most of us probably had.

When I gave birth to my sweet son 2 and 1/2 years ago, I was privileged to deliver him in a nice hospital under the care of an amazing midwife and great nurses. I can only imagine how much different Mary’s experience was. She gave birth to Jesus in a stable with animals around and no professional medical care. Jesus didn’t sleep in a bassinet or soft crib like the ones today. He was placed in a manger with hay.

God, who can do anything, chose to enter into the world in the form of a man {Jesus} as a tiny little baby in the most humble of circumstances.

That sounds a little crazy, right?

Yes, it kind of does.

That doesn’t make sense, right?

No it really doesn’t. 

And you know what?

I believe it with all of my heart. It’s true. It’s an amazing story. An amazing story of God’s love for us.

Whether or not you celebrate Christmas, whether or not your home is decorated in lights from head to toe, whether or not you have a nativity or Christmas tree displayed in your home…

The birth of Jesus is incredibly significant in each and every one of our lives. His birth, His death and His Resurrection together offer us life—the amazing gift of eternal life. We can live in paradise with God one day because of what He has done for us, through His Son Jesus Christ.

If there’s anyone who deserves the most glorious birthday party ever, it’s Jesus. His birth is a part of why we can truly live, and that is more than enough reason to celebrate and say Merry Christmas!

The other day I was at the store doing some Christmas shopping and my son was riding in the shopping cart. At one point he exclaimed, “Happy Birthday Jesus,” several times.  I smiled and in my heart I was so proud. We have a little book called, Happy Birthday Jesus that we have been reading with him lately, so that’s where he picked it up from. I don’t know how many other people heard my son that day in the store, but he’s right—that’s what we all should be saying.

The more real Jesus becomes to me, the more real Christmas becomes to me. I enjoy many of the festive traditions, but what I have grown to be in pure wonder of is…

The little baby wrapped in swaddling clothes laying in the manager. And now when I look at all the pretty Christmas lights, I often think about how bright the star must have been that was shining the night this little baby was born. I imagine it was radiant. And to think—that this little baby boy would become the Light of this world. Such wonder in my eyes.

In a few weeks Christmas celebrations will come to an end. The decorations and lights will come down, but we should not stop celebrating Jesus.

Jesus is the Light that keeps shining, long after the lights come down. He is the Light of this world and the greatest gift this world has ever received. 

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” ~John 8:12 [NIV]

Oh come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!


Many Blessings,

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The Light Outshines the darkness

KYsJPW1366725875Sometimes I just need to pause. To be still and thank God for blessings in my life—a loving husband, a precious son, wonderful family, awesome friends, the ability to be a stay-at-home mom…the list could go on and on. The thing is, my life is not perfect.  I’m just an ordinary person and I have some hard days. Days when the darkness seems so dark, and days when my heart just hurts to see how much brokenness there is in our world.

Yet even in the darkest of moments, there is a light that keeps on shining. Jesus is the light of this world, and His light outshines the darkness. Our circumstances in life are always changing, but God always remains the same.  His promises are true and no amount of darkness can change them. That alone is something to be forever grateful for.

I don’t know what tomorrow might bring, but I don’t want to take for granted the blessings I have right before my eyes. God has given me so much more than I deserve. In the smile-filled moments and through the difficult seasons, I just need pause and tell Him thank you for lighting the way no matter what road I’m on. The darkness may try to steal my joy, but nothing can take away the joy I have in the Lord. Nothing. His light will keep on shining and He will lead us through the darkness. 

“You, Lord, are my lamp; the Lord turns my darkness into light.” 2 Samuel 22:29 (NIV)


 (C) 2013 Pocketful of Motherhood

photo credit: http://mrg.bz/YsKKqy